Applied Signal Processing undertakes contracts in the fields of signal processing, image processing, software engineering and electronic systems design.
The Company specialises in research and development activities. We have expertise in providing solutions to companies in the design and development of new electronic, communications and computer-based products and systems.
Project support, both short- and long-term, can be provided either at your site or from our London based office.
Our project consultancy offerings include:
- Full project life-cycle development support
- Requirements engineering
- Systems engineering
- Interface Design
- Software engineering
- Test coverage provision
- System integration and commissioning
- Documentation and help systems
- Patent prior-art research
- Ensuring that your intellectual property is unique
- Providing detailed results of worldwide patent searches
- Literature surveys
- Ensuring that there is no reinvention of the wheel and that state-of-the art methods are being utilised within your product
- Modelling and simulation
- We can model a solution space to your required level of detail using industry standard software tools
- Algorithm prototyping
- We have experience on multiple projects, realising new algorithms in both software and mixed software/hardware implementations
- Training
- As part of your project life-cycle support, we can develop bespoke lecture and laboratory based training packages to introduce your product to clients
Please visit our Contact Us page to tell us how we can be of service to you.